Posts: Overview
You can add a text post or an image post. From your phone, you can upload images from your phone’s image library. To upload images from other sources or any you’ve created, you can use the desktop version of Qbitt. Once you publish a post, those Qbitt users who have access to see it can comment on it and tag it as a Favorite.
You have three options for adding content.
- Text only
- Image only
- Image with text description to accompany it
For any post, you can choose one of three privacy options. You can edit the privacy after you publish a post. However, if you change a post to a more restrictive setting (for example, change from Public to Friends) know that others may have seen the post before you made the change.
- Public: visible to all Qbitt users
- Private: only you can view it
- Friends: only your Qbitt friends can see it
Tip: To see how a post might look before you decide to publish it to a wide audience, publish it as Private. See how it turns out. If it’s acceptable to you, you can edit the post and change the audience to Friends or Public. If you want to redo the post, just delete it and then upload a different version.
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